Architectural stack operations

Qiling abstracts the architectural stack operations as follows:

Pop a value off the top of stack:

value = ql.arch.stack_pop()

Push a value to the top of stack:


Peek the value at a certain offset from the top without modifying the stack pointer: Note: the offset may be either positive, negative or zero (to peek the top of stack)

value = ql.arch.stack_read(offset)

Replace a value at a certain offset from the top without modifying the stack pointer: Note: the offset may be either positive, negative or zero (to replace the top of stack)

ql.arch.stack_write(offset, value)

Memory subsystem

Represents the emulated memory space.

Managing memory

Qiling offers several methods for managing the emulated memory space:

Method Description
map Map a memory region at a certain location so it become available for access
unmap Reclaim a mapped memory region
unmap_all Reclaim all mapped memory regions
map_anywhere Map a memory region in an unspecified location
protect Modify access protection bits of a mapped region (rwx)
find_free_space Find an available memory region
is_available Query whether a memory region is available
is_mapped Query whether a memory region is mapped

Note: is_available and is_mapped are not necessarily ooposites; when a memory region is partially taken (mapped), both methods will return False.

Mapping memory pages

Memory has to be mapped before it can be accessed. The map method binds a contiguous memory region at a specified location, and sets its access protection bits. A string label may be provided for easy identification on the mapping info table (see: get_map_info).

Synposys: int, size: int, perms: int = UC_PROT_ALL, info: Optional[str] = None) -> None

Arguments: - addr - requested mapping base address; should be on a page granularity (see: pagesize) - size - mapping size in bytes; must be a multiplication of page size - perms - protection bitmap; defines whether this memory range is readable, writeable and / or executable (optional, see: UC_PROT_* constants) - info - sets a string label to the mapped range for easy identification (optional)

Returns: None

Raises: QlMemoryMappedError if the requested memory range is not entirely available

Unmapping memory pages

Mapped memory regions may be reclaimed by unmapping them. The unmap method reclaims a memory region at a specified location. The unmapping functionality is not limited to compelte memory regions, and may be used for partial ranges as well.


ql.mem.unmap(addr: int, size: int) -> None:

Arguments: - addr - region base address to unmap - size - region size in bytes

Returns: None

Raises: QlMemoryMappedError if the requested memory range is not entirely mapped

Search bytes pattern from memory

  • Search for a pattern from entire memory
address ="\xFF\xFE\xFD\xFC\xFB\xFA")
  • Search for a pattern from entire memory range
address ="\xFF\xFE\xFD\xFC\xFB\xFA", begin= 0x1000, end= 0x2000)

Read from a memory address, size)

Write to a memory address

ql.mem.write(address, data)

Map a memory area

map a memory before writing into it. Info can be empty.,size,info = [my_first_map])


You need to align the memory offset and address for mapping.

addr//size*size -> 0x7fefc9e0//4096*4096


The amounts of memory that should be mapped

This parameter is OS dependant; If you use a linux system, consider at least a multiple of 4096 for alignment

example (Linux):

def memory_fix(ql, access, addr, size, value):
    ql.nprint("[_] Mapping "+str(size)+" bytes at "+hex(addr)+" | access: "+ str(access)+" | value: "+ str(value))*4096, 4096)
    ql.mem.write(addr, struct.pack(">I",value)) # memory packing is OS dependant


See qiling/loader/ for a proper mapping example

read and write string

to read a string from memory


to write a string to memory

ql.mem.string(address, "stringwith")

Show all the mapped area



for info_line in self.ql.mem.get_formatted_mapinfo():

find a free space

Find a specific free space size.


check for availablity

The main function of is_available is to determine whether the memory starting with addr and having a size of length can be used for allocation. If it can be allocated, returns True. If it cannot be allocated, it returns False.

ql.mem.is_available(addr, size)

check for is the memory area being mapped

The main function of is_mmaped is to determine whether the memory starting with addr and size has been mapped. Returns true if it has already been allocated. If unassigned, returns False.

ql.mem.is_mapped(addr, size)

Find a matching size of unmapped usable space

Finds a region of memory that is free, larger than 'size' arg, and aligned.

ql.mem.find_free_space(size, min_addr=0, max_addr = 0, alignment=0x10000)

Find a matching size of unmapped usable space and map it

Maps a region of memory with requested size, within the addresses specified. The size and start address will respect the alignment.
