
This plugin is a modified version from Qdb


  1. commandline-based user interface

  1. step-by-step execution

  2. use command step or s to execute one instruction at a time

  1. breakpoints

  2. use command breakpoint or b to setup a breakpoint, and continue execution with continue or c

  1. dynamic memory examination

  2. use command examine or x to read data from memory

  1. record and replay

  2. use command backward or p to step backward from current location

  3. Note:
      1. the address you want to step backward on it must be step-over before
      1. make sure run qdb with option rr=True


Qdb can be enabled with ql.debugger = "qdb". Available options are "qdb::rr" to enable qdb and switch on record and replay and "qdb:0x1030c" to enable qdb and setup a breakpoint at 0x1030c.


from qiling import Qiling
from qiling.const import QL_VERBOSE

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ql = Qiling([r'rootfs/arm_linux/bin/arm_hello'], r'rootfs/arm_linux', verbose=QL_VERBOSE.DEBUG)

    ql.debugger = "qdb" # enable qdb without options

    # other possible alternatives:
    # ql.debugger = "qdb::rr" # switch on record and replay with rr
    # ql.debugger = "qdb:0x1030c" # enable qdb and setup breakpoin at 0x1030c